St. Timothy will host NJ Synod Ordination

Posted on Friday, September 7, 2018

Several weeks ago I received an email from LuAnn Barnes, confidential secretary to Bishop Tracie Bartholomew, asking if St. Timothy would host the synod’s ordination liturgy on Sunday, September 23, at 3:00 pm. After discussing the matter with council president, Robin Koegel, and organist, Caroline Parody, I responded positively: St. Timothy will host the ordination.

It is quite an honor to host such an important event in the life of the church. At this time, it looks like two candidates will be ordained on September 23. Although I don’t yet know the identity of these ordinands, they will both be serving ELCA congregations in North Jersey.

In addition providing space for the ordination, St. Timothy is asked to serve refreshments after the service: cookies, coffee, and lemonade, as well as providing the services of our organist and acolytes.

Although their service to the church may not directly impact the life of St. Timothy, the ordination of new pastors affects the whole church and is therefore an event that is open to all members of God’s people. I’m hoping that many of you will plan to attend the service and that our young people will want to offer their services as acolytes. The liturgical color of the day is red – the color of Pentecost – so our paraments will need to be changed. I’m sure that Valerie McGrath, the head of our altar guild, will appreciate the assistance of other altar guild members.

Please let me know how you’d like to contribute to this very special event in the life of our synod. It is truly an honor to serve.

In Jesus’ name,

Pastor Robert M. Mountenay