Lenten Soup & Study: More Hymns!

Posted on Thursday, May 7, 2020

Ladies and gentlemen, for my last act I will lead another series of hymn studies at this year’s Soup & Study sessions. Ash Wednesday is February 26, and, as is our custom, we’ll have two services on that day, at 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm. Both will feature an order for public confession, the imposition of ashes, and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Our Soup & Study series will begin the following Wednesday, March 4. We gather in the kitchen for our simple meal of soup, bread, and dessert (well, maybe it’s not all that simple!) at 6:00 pm, and we regroup in the parlor at 7:00 for our study.
We had such a good time last year singing and studying favorite hymns that we decided that a second year of hymns would be in order. This year the emphasis will be on seasonal hymns, rather than the general hymns that predominated last year’s study.
During week one, we’ll look at Advent hymns. As you know, some of my favorite hymns are those that anticipate the coming of Christmas, as well as the coming again of Christ in power and glory. Since I’ll be away that week, Robin Koegel will lead you through these hymns.
Weeks two and three will feature Christmas carols and hymns of the Epiphany season. We’ll study the hymns of Lent and Holy Week during week four, and we’ll conclude our study in week five with a survey of Easter and Pentecost hymns. Since we don’t sing or say “Alleluia” during Lent, we’ll have to find some novel way of vocalizing the “A Word” when we sing the songs of Easter ten days before the festival of the resurrection.
I hope you’ll join us for this year’s Soup & Study series. Even if you can’t be there for the meal, please consider coming to the study. These gatherings are a lot of fun, and they’re also informative and edifying. Plus, it may be the last chance you have to sit in on classes that I teach.
In Jesus’ name,

Pastor Robert M. Mountenay